Monday, April 16, 2012

Hello Again!

It has been some time since I last updated. It was on my brain but just never got to the top of the list. I was looking at some of our pics to see what I missed showing everyone and there were lot's of snow shots and it feels like a long time ago that we had enough snow to build snowmen already. I am not complaining it just feels like time is racing by.
When spring comes at our house out come the bikes. This year Abby's got a makeover by Daddy. I think it looks pretty spiffy and Abby is pretty proud to ride it all over the neighborhood.
Natalie got her first tricycle this spring and rides it amazingly far at least in my opinion. She loves that she has her own "bike" and will ride as far as Abby will ride.

For Easter weekend we were able to head out to Regina to the temple. It is so fun to go out as a family. Our kids were so excited to go. Abby couldn't wait to stay in a hotel and go swimming. The next day we woke up to a blizzard and our nice walk and talk around the temple turned into run and touch it then get back in the van. Abby conveniently had to use the washroom and was so excited that she got to enter the temple. It was a sweet family experience to share and be able to share our testimony about the temple and why it is so important to us! Now I realize that it looks like Natalie is very upset she just had cold, wet feet by this point but hey it's our temple pic!! We also have an extra girl with us in this pic. We were watching her so her parents could attend a session.

Easter came and went. We were lucky to be able to color Easter Eggs for Family Home Evening on the Monday then travel to the temple on Good Friday. Easter Sunday brought the Easter Bunny, reflection, Easter Egg Hunt, and Yummy Easter Dinner. I can't seem to get any of the Easter dresses pics up so this is the girls from Easter morning. The Easter Bunny always leaves chocoalate carrots at our house which is what Natalie is holding. They also got some ears for the egg hunt later on. I love Easter and thinking about the many blessings we have to know that our Savior lived and died for us and that through him we can all be ressurected and live with our families forever!!!

Of course the pics of Jared are all on the other camera but I will post some better ones soon. Here he is on the road trip trying to see everything that was going on. He kept trying to crank his neck so he could watch the movie on the DVD player. It was pretty cute. He is almost 7 months eating lot's of veggies, fruit, and cereal. He loves to sit up, jump in his exersaucer, and jolly jumper. He loves his sisters and always has big smiles for them. He is still his father's son in personality for sure. Nothing phases this guy too much.
We are all getting excited for more spring and summer. I can't wait to start getting into my new garden space and seeing what I can do. We also can't wait for all the fun summer stuff... the beach, holidays, and yummy fresh fruit and veggies.

1 comment:

Kristi Drennan said...

Just this morning Isaiah said "Mom WHEN are we going to ABBY'S HOUSE!!!????" So yeah I really gotta get my butt in gear and come see ya!