As Mother's Day approaches it brings me to reflection. I have been a Mom for a year now and I think since I have become a Mom my appreciation for my Mom has increased 100 fold.
My Mom was a pretty special gal since I was number 7 of 7 I feel kind of spoiled because I got her all to myself when I was old enough to know that she was all mine. I cannot even thank her for everything but here are a few reasons I think she is pretty cool.
I took piano for ten years and my Mom drove me to every piano lesson, exam, and recital. I played volleyball and basketball and once again my Mom drove me to every practice. She always encouraged me to believe in myself and always encouraged me to follow my dreams. Spiritually she was my rock. My one observation growing up of my Mom was her dedication in her visiting teaching. I remember going with her often to appointments and she always went early in the month and always did something special for her ladies. She is a true example of charity to me. She is an amazing Mom and now I see her as an amazing Grandma. This is a pic of her with Abby when Abby was one month old.Happy Mother's Day Mom we love you!!!!
Now since I got married I have another Mom who is pretty awesome. Ever since I met Ryan his Mom has treated me like one of her own and I am so grateful to have her as part of my family. She is a great support to our family here and if I could list the number of things she has done for us since Abby came along you would fall asleep reading our blog so I won't but she is a great lady and a great example to me. She is also a great Grandma and I know that Abby loves visiting her and spending time with her. Happy Mother's Day Mom we love you!!
Now just my own reflection on motherhood the last year has had so many ups and downs and so many different experiences. I can't believe how much I have learned and how much I have yet to learn. I am so grateful to be a Mom and have a beautiful healthy daughter and I hope that I will always remember to cherish her. Happy Mother's Day everyone!!!!!
Great job, Jess. It's wonderful to have such wonderful examples to look up to. I'm sure they are both very proud of the wonderful mom you are, too.
Happy Mother's Day.
You are so cute friend! And so good at showing people that you love them and why you do! Happy Mother's day!
that was a nice tribute I love your mom too. when my son was just a babe I called about a month ahead to ask if we could stay outat the farm fo ra wedding. your mom had the house all ready and thebeds all made nice. there was an adorable blanket spread out on the bed. that she had sewn for Jonah she said I don't know if you want it but if you need another one you can have it. she got up extra early that morning and made pancakes with peaches and whipped cream, before we went to the temple. she watched Jonah for me and when we left you folks gave us a gallon of honey you mom is awsome!... anyways I need to tell her that... gave me a warm fuzzy just thinking about her and reading your entry. I know youre just like her!
love ya!
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