Thursday, January 14, 2010


I am so grateful to have a daughter with such a great imagination. This morning as I was trying to get the laundry going and the bathroom  cleaned she says," Sit Down Mom" Why I ask? We are going to school on the bus. So out comes her blanket with all her stuffed animals and we sit down and head off to school. Then "Mom school is downstairs can you carry all the animals please?" We head downstairs where Abby pulls out her books and pretends to read them to her stuffed animals and I.
This afternoon we were out enjoying -7 yeah!!! She was climbing mountains and was asking why Natalie and I weren't climbing with her.  She wanted to work on her castle but Mom just isn't as good a builder as Daddy so we have to wait for Daddy to come home.

The world is so exciting to her. I just love it. It is so much fun to sit and play with her and see just how her mind is developing. This is a picture from Christmas time playing at her cousins. She is my little actress.


Just Rhonda said...

It is such a fun age hey??

Yvonne said...

Wouldn't you just love to get inside her head and really see what she's seeing. IT IS TRULY AMAZING to watch them grow. ENJOY.

carolyne b said...

I have heard if you want to know what kind of parent your children see you as; watch them at play. Looks to me like your doing a great job in that dept.