At church I was able to do the music in primary again and that was so much fun. It is definitely one of my favorite places to serve. I love hearing the kids bear their testimony through song. Aren't children just amazing?
After church we headed to Grandma and Grandpa's house for yummy dinner, photo shoot, and the annual Easter egg hunt. I love how Ryan's parents still do an Easter Egg Hunt for us "older kids". It was a riot. Our friends Theresa and David were there as well and I think they were surprised at our competitive spirit. It was all in fun and of course they all go on the table for sharing after.
As for the photo shoot I am so grateful for Ryan's Dad who is an amazing photographer and takes so much time to get cute photos of us. He does an amazing job and it saves us going to someplace where a stranger is trying to get Abby to smile. As soon as I get the pics I will post one of our family pics. Of course I have to say a big thank you to Grandma who always makes these amazing dinners. It is such a treat to come straight from church to a yummy dinner. We are so lucky to have such great family so close!!
On a total side note I agreed to be the nurse for girls camp again this year. I am so excited because it was such a spiritual boost for me last year. However it means leaving my adorable girl for five whole days. We will see how that goes I am sure it will be great for everyone.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter with their family.
ummm so cute!! I hope you did well on your Easter Egg hunt! I think I need to go find me some Easter treats on my last day of chocolate!
Love the pictures. Sounds like such a fun day. Abby looks adorable.
I hope there was no pushing and shoving during the Easter egg hunt ; )
Only me pushing and shoving my way to VICTORY!!! WOOO!!!!
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