Monday, March 24, 2008


Abby and I went out for a bit of shopping this afternoon. Zellers and Dollarama. I got a set of 12 Disney Books for $6. Anyway it was blizzarding when we came out. I LOVE WINNIPEG. I just know spring is coming. In actuality Abby was loving the big snowflakes hitting her face and besides the crazy slippery roads it is kind of pretty! I realized I missed out on putting my fav pic from yesterday up so here it is. Sorry blog overload but what else can I do it is yucky outside! Isn't she cute? And for the record the Easter Egg Hunt was all in fun no injuries. However Ryan and I did score the most candy but who's counting?


Elizabeth said...

Abby is adorable!!!
Her dress is so cute, too.
I love Dollarama, I wish there was one here.

R Smith said...

who's counting? ME! I won! hah hah hah hah hah. I'm the greatest!

In the immortal words of Ricky Bobby, "if you're not first, you're last"

Love, Your husband ;)

Kristi Drennan said...

Love this picture of her...I can't believe I missed it and am just now commenting on it! Bad friend moment here.