Wednesday, February 27, 2008


So seriously yesterday I felt totally at the end of my rope and I did something I vowed I would never do I let Abby cry herself to sleep. It was hard but she cried herself to sleep both naps yesterday and then miracle of miracles last night I put her to bed hardly a peep and she slept straight for nine and a half hours!!!!! Ok so I have hope and I have a testimony that we are never given more than we can handle because seriously yesterday I felt I was at that point and I prayed really hard and it worked. Isn't the gospel great?


Yvonne said...

Yeah! So glad she went to sleep.

joelle said...

she slept all night?
that's the greatest thing i've ever heard. feeling better today? you were funny last night =) but i hope you got some sleep and are feeling a little less out of it. haha i loooove you!