I decided today that I need to be more grateful and actually write some things down. You may ask why well my daughter has completely given up sleeping and I feel like I am drowning in the parenting world and there is no lifejacket in sight.
However I am super grateful to be a Mom to a cute healthy girl I mean if she wasn't cute I'd be pretty worried but she is pretty darn cute.
I am so grateful to have a husband who works so hard and who supports my fifty methods of trying to get her asleep even if he has to sleep with a pillow over his head.
I am grateful for my good friends who give me advice but also notice that look in my eye where I have had enough advice for the century and just want to do my own thing.
I am grateful to live in a place where the sun is always shining and occasionally it is above -20. YEAH!!!
I am super grateful that on Saturday when I didn't have the energy to move I found an old pair of scrubs that I haven't fit in since I lived in Edmonton and oh yeah they fit. Yeah for my exercising which is finally paying off.
I am also grateful to be me and to be having the experiences I am because I know that we are never given anything we can't handle so deep down I know those super mom powers will come in effect and eventually Abby will sleep.
Ok so maybe I just needed to vent and lucky for all of you who read this blog you get to see it. I hope you are all having a marvelous day enjoying the sunshine!!!
It's always nice to stop and make a gratitude list--makes everything easier to deal with when you realize how blessed you truly are ; )
You are right--Abby will start sleeping again.
Congrats on fitting into the scrubs--way to go!!!
It's gonna happen friend! You're doing great! You really are super mom! I mean who else is up all night and will still get motivated to exercise! Not this Mom!
don't even get me started on the kids and sleeping. james is giving me a run thats for sure, a nine month one. if you find a cure, let me know! i tagged you, go see my blog and you HVAE to play along :)
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